

accountability, 32, 141

Acer, 29–30

active collaboration, 121, 131–135

adaptability, 92–93

Aeron chair, 100

agility, 15, 16, 92–93, 95, 104–107, 114

interview questions on, 209

alien approach, 104

Altshuller, Genrich, 195

AlumniAthlete Network, 111

Amazon, 30–31

American Customer Satisfaction Index, 34

American Express, 136–137

AOL, 30

aspiration, 9

Assumption Reversal, 16, 17, 127–128, 193–195

audience for, 193

how to use, 193–194

key take-away from, 195

when to use, 193

why it works, 193


challenging, 47

Kill the Company and, 53

questioning, 83–85


continuous learning and, 136–139

in positive vs. negative vs. complacent cultures, 44

automotive companies, 99

BMW, 123–124

Nissan, 105–106

autonomy, 107, 153–154, ...

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