Chapter 13Get the Measures to Drive Performance (Stage 6)

In this stage, in order to get measures, we need to develop a reporting framework at all levels, facilitate the use of winning KPIs, and periodically refine KPIs to maintain their relevance.

Develop the Reporting Framework at All Levels

This activity was step 10 in the first and second editions of this book. The reporting framework has to accommodate the requirements of different levels in the organization and the reporting frequency that supports timely decision making. A suggested framework for reporting performance indicators is set out in Exhibit 13.1.


Exhibit 13.1 A Suggested Reporting Framework

Most KPIs should be reported each day (electronically) at 9 a.m. or, as in the case of British Airways, constantly updated 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

In most organizations there will be another “top five” KPIs ...

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