
add — Adding a principal


add [--random-key] [--random-password] [--password=password] [--key=hexkey]    [--max-ticket-life=lifetime] [--max-renewable-life=lifetime] [--attributes=attributes] [--expiration-time=time] [--pw-expiration-time=time]    [--use-defaults] principal-name


add_new_key, ank

The add command adds a new principal into the Kerberos database. This command requires one argument, the name of the new principal to add, and also recognizes several optional arguments that specify policy information the new principal should be subject to. More information about password policies is available in Chapter 6.

Other options include the random-key option that adds the principal with a random key. This option is good to use for services that require secure keys that don’t have to be memorized by a human. Following is a full list of all of the options available to addprinc:


This option sets an expiry date for the principal. After the date specified, tickets will no longer be issued for the principal, and requests by the principal to obtain service tickets will not be honored.


This option sets the password expiry date for the principal.


This option sets the maximum lifetime of tickets issued for the principal.


This option sets the principal’s password to the argument given, instead of prompting on the terminal for one. This option is useful when invoking kadmin ...

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