
Our look is the result of reader comments, our own experimentation, and feedback from distribution channels. Distinctive covers complement our distinctive approach to technical topics, breathing personality and life into potentially dry subjects.

The animal on the cover of Kerberos: The Definitive Guide is a barred owl (Strix varia). It is distinguished by the brown bar markings on its chest and the distinctive dark rings around its eyes. The barred owl generally resides in the woodlands of North America, making its nest in the cavity of trees. The female owl lays between two to four eggs, and the parents often remain with the young for more than four months, making them an exception among other types of owls. Barred owls stay with their chosen mate for life and tend to live about 20 years.

The barred owl eats mainly small mammals, such as mice, shrews, and squirrels. The barred owl will also eat birds, fish, frogs, and insects. These owls can grow to approximately 17 inches, with a wingspan of 44 inches. They are territorial in spring and fall, hooting at other owls to warn them against intruding. The barred owl’s only natural predator is the Great Horned owl, but many deaths are attributed to human influence, such as shooting, car accident, or loss of habitat.

Colleen Gorman was the production editor and the copyeditor for Kerberos: The Definitive Guide. Mary Brady, Marlowe Shaeffer, Jane Ellin, and Mary Anne Weeks Mayo provided quality control. John Bickelhaupt wrote the ...

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