WPA cracking with automated tools

In the last chapter, we covered two automated tools to crack WEP (and also WPA) keys: Wifite and Fern WiFi Cracker.

In the previous chapter, we showed a practical example of WEP cracking with Fern WiFi Cracker; in this chapter, we will see how to crack a WPA key using Wifite.


As we have already seen, Wifite is a tool based on the Aircrack-ng suite. By default, it relies on aircrack-ng for WPA cracking, but also supports Cowpatty, Pyrit, and oclHashcat.

To crack a WPA key, we will run the following command:

wifite -wpa -dict wparockyou.txt

The program scans for WPA wireless networks and displays the results:

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