Time for action – decrypting WEP and WPA packets

We can proceed with the following steps:

  1. We will decrypt packets from the WEP capture file we created earlier: WEPCrackingDemo-01.cap. For this, we will use another tool in the Aircrack-ng suite called airdecap-ng. We will run the following command, as shown in the following screenshot, using the WEP key we cracked previously:
    airdecap-ng -w abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdef12 WEPCrackingDemo-02.cap
    Time for action – decrypting WEP and WPA packets
  2. The decrypted files are stored in a file named WEPCrackingDemo-02-dec.cap. We use the tshark utility to view the first ten packets in the file. Please note that you may see something different based on what you ...

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