Time for action – cracking WPA-PSK weak passphrases

Follow the given instructions to get started:

  1. Let's first connect to our access point Wireless Lab and set the access point to use WPA-PSK. We will set the WPA-PSK passphrase to abcdefgh so that it is vulnerable to a dictionary attack:
    Time for action – cracking WPA-PSK weak passphrases
  2. We start airodump-ng with the following command so that it starts capturing and storing all packets for our network:
    airodump-ng –bssid 00:21:91:D2:8E:25 –channel 11 –write WPACrackingDemo mon0"

    The following screenshot shows the output:

    Time for action – cracking WPA-PSK weak passphrases
  3. Now we can wait for a new client ...

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