Important note on WLAN sniffing and injection

WLANs typically operate within three different frequency ranges – : 2.4 GHz, 3.6 GHz and 4.9/5.0 GHz. Not all Wi-Fi cards support all these ranges and associated bands. For instance,, an Alfa card only supports IEEE 802.11b/g. This would mean that this card cannot operate in 802.11a/n. The key here is to sniff or inject packets in a particular band; your Wi-Fi card will need to support it.

Another interesting aspect of Wi-Fi is that, in each of these bands, there are multiple channels. It is important to note that your Wi-Fi card can only be on one channel at any given moment. It is not possible to tune into multiple channels at the same time. The best analogy I can give you is your car radio. You can ...

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