


Classes that implement this interface can be registered as services within a JXTA peergroup. The module advertisement used to register the service contains all of the information necessary to invoke the service: the location of the service’s code and its class name. The peergroup instantiates the module, calls its init( ) method to initialize it, and starts the module via the startApp( ) method. If the peergroup shuts down gracefully, it will call the stopApp( ) method before terminating.

public interface Module {
// Public Instance Methods
   public abstract void init(net.jxta.peergroup.PeerGroup group, assignedID, 
                             net.jxta.document.Advertisement implAdv) 
       throws net.jxta.exception.PeerGroupException;
   public abstract int startApp(String[ ] args);  
   public abstract void stopApp();  


Application, net.jxta.service.Service

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