
talk — Talks to another peer


talk -register userName [ -secure ] [ -propagate ]
talk -login userName
talk -logout userName
talk -search
talk [-u user] userName


The talk command implements a simple instant-messaging command that enables two users on two remote peers to exchange messages. Messages are displayed on the stdout of the shell.

In order to use talk, the user needs to register, log on, and send messages. This is done via the following steps:

  1. Register via the talk -register username command. This command creates a talk advertisement for that user. This has to be done only once—the first time the user registers with talk. Like all advertisements, it is cached so that it persists across reboots.


    Can be added in order to establish a secure talk session


    Can be added in order to establish a chatroom-style talk session

  2. Log in via talk -login username command. This command logs in the user to the talk service and starts a listener daemon. This has to be done every time the peer is restarted.

  3. The user can now talk to another user via the talk -u myusername destusername command. This command will prompt the user to enter the message she wants to send:

    JXTA>talk -u moi mike
    talk is connected to user mike
    Type your message. To exit, type '.' at begining of line

    To stop receiving talk messages, the user can stop the talk listener daemon by entering the talk -logout username command.



Registers a new username

-login ...

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