


This interface represents the core JXTA discovery service. All peergroups have an implementation of the discovery service, which is used to locate advertisements within the peergroup. The discovery service of a particular peergroup is retrieved via the getDiscoveryService( ) method of the PeerGroup class.

Applications keep a persistent cache of previously discovered advertisements. In the core Java bindings, the persistent cache is held in the filesystem (in the cm directory) and survives between runs of the application; in other implementations, the cache may exist only while the device is on. Applications look for advertisements within the cache by using the getLocalAdvertisements( ) method. The cache is emptied by the flushAdvertisements( ) method.

Applications look for uncached advertisements by using the getRemoteAdvertisements( ) method. This sends out the discovery message using the PDP and sets up a background daemon thread that listens for responses. The background thread places those responses in the local cache where they may be retrieved by the getLocalAdvertisements( ) method. Alternately, a discovery event listener may be registered with the discovery service by calling the addDiscoveryListener( ) method, in which case the listener will be called whenever a new advertisement is discovered.

The publish( ) method places a new advertisement in the local cache; the remotePublish( ) method provides a new advertisement available ...

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