Just Run It!: Running an Exceptional Business Is Easier Than You Think

Book description

In America alone, tens of thousands of businesses crop up each year. Unfortunately, few will succeed, though not due to a lack of ingenuity, initiative, or even capital. Why, then? Because, according to Dick Cross, author of Just Run It!: Running an Exceptional Business Is Easier Than You Think, most business owners lack not just the fundamentals, the nuts and bolts of operating a business effectively day in and day out, but the bigger picture of how to achieve business success. This shortcoming is pervasive: it handicaps most new businesses from the start and it prevents the lion’s share of existing ones from ever becoming significant. After taking dozens of mainstream companies from underperforming to outstanding, Cross observed a pattern, out of which he devised his Just Run It! formula. This simple formula now helps small and medium-sized enterprises how to visualize their mainstream businesses on “the back of an envelope” and to achieve the next level of success.

Product information

  • Title: Just Run It!: Running an Exceptional Business Is Easier Than You Think
  • Author(s): Dick Cross
  • Release date: April 2012
  • Publisher(s): Bibliomotion
  • ISBN: 9781937134006