
The animal on the cover of Just Hibernate is a garden dormouse (Eliomys quercinus), a rodent in the dormouse family. Garden dormice grow to about 3.9–5.9 in (10–15 cm) in length not counting the tail, which can add up to 3–5.7 in (8–14.5 cm). They weigh from 2–5 oz (60–140 g). Their outer coat is gray brown and they have a white underside. The garden dormouse is recognizable by its black eye markings, large ears, short hair, and white tassel at the end of its tail.

Garden dormice mostly live in the forest, despite the name, found throughout southern Europe—the Alps, the Bavarian Forest, and the Ore Mountains. The species can also be found in small quantities in northern Germany and is nearly extinct in the Netherlands, where in 2007, researchers reported finding only nine dormice in two woods in Limburg where species used to be common.

The species is nocturnal and sleeps in spherical nests in trees during the day. They hunt for food at night, feeding mostly on large insects like grasshoppers and beetles, snails, eggs, small rodents, spiders, and vegetation such as berries, fruit, and nuts. They consume slightly more animal protein than vegetation.

Garden dormice mate from April to June. The female squeaks loudly, indicating she is ready to mate. During mating season, it is not unusual for a dormouse to eat a rival in the mating process. There is also occasional cannibalism noted when dormice are coming out of hibernation. Gestation periods are about 23 days, and young are ...

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