Implementing the CSDDT Template Scripts


If you have already implemented a global.sbh file, do not copy over it. Instead, open the included global.sbh file with a text editor, click on Select All in the Edit menu, Copy, and then Paste it to the end of your existing global.sbh file.

Only after you have read and fully digested this note of caution should you begin to implement your scripts.

Step 1.
Copy the *.sbh and *.sbl files to your default sqabas32 folder. Under Rational 2001, this should be the default path. For example :
C:\your repository folder.....\TestDatastore\DefaultTestScriptDatastore\TMS_Scripts\SQABas32
Step 2.
Copy the *.rec files to your default script folder. Under Rational 2001, this should be the default path unless ...

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