Ranges and arrays

When we execute search("Julia","uli"), the result is not an index number, but a range 2:4 that indicates the index interval for the searched substring. This comes in handy when you have to work with an interval of numbers, for example, one up to thousand: 1:1000. The type of this object typeof(1:1000) is UnitRange{Int64}. By default, the step is 1, but this can also be specified as the second number; 0:5:100 gives all multiples of 5 up to 100. You can iterate over a range as follows:

# code from file chapter2\arrays.jl   
for i in 1:2:9

This prints out 1 3 5 7 9 on consecutive lines.

In the previous section on Strings, we already encountered the Array type when discussing the split function:

a = split("A,B,C,D",",") ...

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