Chapter 4. Enterprise Java


As discussed in the introduction to Chapter 1, one of JRuby’s great strengths is its ability to seamlessly interact with the wide variety of available Java libraries. One of the areas where this is most relevant is in the so-called enterprise domain, where Java has become well entrenched. Much of Java’s success has come from the Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE, formerly known as J2EE) platform standards. But platforms that are not Java standards have been just as critical. Two will be covered in this chapter: Spring Framework and Hibernate.[8] Regardless of whether a particular technology is a standard or not, all enterprise Java platforms are designed to enable developers to focus on developing business and presentation logic rather than infrastructure and integration.

This chapter starts with a recipe about using Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) objects from Ruby. As its name implies, JNDI is an API for accessing directory services. JNDI presents application developers with a unified interface that can span various services and service types. Within a Java EE application server, JNDI is used by application code to discover resources managed by the server. These could be data sources (a subject discussed throughout Chapter 2), Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs), Java Messaging Service (JMS) objects, and a variety of other resources. Your Java EE application server documentation should provide complete details on what resources are available and how you can add additional resources to the server. JNDI can also be used to access external services. In the second and third recipes, we use JNDI to connect to a remote JMS broker using the Apache ActiveMQ server so that we can send and receive JMS messages. In a later recipe, we use JNDI to connect to a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server and use JRuby to simplify the JNDI API.

Following JMS, we will look at implementing an Enterprise JavaBean (EJB). Thanks to the support for annotation-based configuration that arrived with EJB 3, EJB development has become much simpler, yet the lack of annotation support in JRuby means that you still have to write a small amount of bridge code to implement EJBs. Although JRuby and EJB may seem like an odd match at first, the EJB model can provide some significant benefits when being used with JRuby because of the instance pooling provided by Java EE containers. These containers all perform instance pooling for EJBs and only allow one consumer per EJB instance at a time. This means that when writing an EJB, whether using Java or Ruby, you do not need to worry about concurrency: the container does it for you. Many Ruby libraries, most notably ActiveRecord and Rails, have known concurrency problems; using EJBs eliminates the need to create custom instance pools as described in Creating a Pool of JRuby Runtimes and in the discussion of Rails in Chapter 2.

There are several recipes in this chapter that discuss JRuby integration with the Spring Framework, sometimes referred to as just Spring. Spring is, at the core, a platform for creating applications by defining application components (in the form of Java classes) and the relationships between them. This is known as Dependency Injection (DI) and/or Inversion of Control (IoC).[9] Leveraging this core platform, Spring also provides support for Aspect-Orientated Programming (AOP), transactions, authentication and authorization, remoting, model-view-controller (MVC) web development, and much more. Since version 2.0, Spring has provided support for dynamic languages, including JRuby. This support, the focus of several recipes, allows for objects defined in JRuby to be transparently integrated with objects defined in Java (or other dynamic languages).

This chapter also covers the Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework Hibernate as well as the Java Persistence API (JPA).[10] Due to JRuby’s Java integration, using these frameworks from JRuby isn’t terribly complicated; mostly Hibernate and JPA just work. As a result, the recipes are about using JRuby as a productivity booster for these APIs.

Creating a JNDI Context


You need to create a JNDI Context object in order to connect to an LDAP server or JMS broker.


Create a Ruby hash with the properties you want to use as the environment and then pass this hash to the constructor of javax.naming.InitialContext, wrapping it in a java.util.Hashtable object. For example, the code in Example 4-1 creates a JNDI Context using the University of Michigan’s public LDAP server.

Example 4-1. Creating a custom JNDI Context

include Java

import java.util.Hashtable
import javax.naming.InitialContext
import javax.naming.Context

env = {Context::INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY => "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory",
       Context::PROVIDER_URL => "ldap://" }

ctx =


Although JRuby will coerce Ruby hashes into Java objects that implement the java.util.Map interface, InitialContext objects are configured using a Hashtable. As a result, the hash must be wrapped by a Hashtable.

The properties used to instantiate the InitialContext object can also be stored in a file called in the Java classpath. In the case of Example 4-1, the following would be the contents of

java.naming.factory.initial = com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory
java.naming.provider.url = ldap://

With this configuration in place, the InitialContext can be easily created using the no-argument constructor:

ctx =

Regardless of how it is configured, the value of the java.naming.factory.initial property must be a class available on the classpath. As discussed in Adding JAR Files to the Classpath, JRuby has the ability to add JAR files to the classpath dynamically. However, that capability does not apply to classes used in this type of factory class. This is because JAR files added dynamically to the classpath by JRuby are only visible from Ruby code. Throughout the next recipe, for example, the java.naming.factory.initial property is set to org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory. If you tried to add this class (and its dependencies) to the classpath in JRuby, a javax.naming.NoInitialContextException will be thrown:

$ jirb
irb(main):001:0> include Java
irb(main):003:0* require '/opt/java/libs/geronimo-j2ee-management_1.0_spec-1.0.jar'
irb(main):004:0> require '/opt/java/libs/geronimo-jms_1.1_spec-1.1.1.jar'
irb(main):005:0> require '/opt/java/libs/activemq-core-5.1.0.jar'
irb(main):007:0* import java.util.Hashtable
irb(main):008:0> import javax.naming.InitialContext
irb(main):009:0> import javax.naming.Context
irb(main):011:0* env = { Context::INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY =>
irb(main):012:1*         "org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory",
irb(main):013:1*         Context::PROVIDER_URL =>
irb(main):014:1*         "tcp://localhost:61616" }
irb(main):015:0> ctx =
NativeException: javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Cannot instantiate class:\

There is a solution to the problem—instantiate the class directly:

import org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory

env = { Context::PROVIDER_URL => "tcp://localhost:61616" }
ctx =

See Also

Sending JMS Messages


Your application needs to send messages to a Java Messaging Service (JMS) message broker.


Add any necessary JAR files to the classpath. Create a javax.naming.InitialContext object as described in Creating a JNDI Context. The environment settings will be documented by the JMS broker vendor. For example, to connect to an instance of Apache ActiveMQ, you would use these properties:

        Context::PROVIDER_URL =>
        "tcp://localhost:61616" }

Once the InitialContext has been properly created, look up the JMS ConnectionFactory and Destination objects:

connection_factory = ctx.lookup("ConnectionFactory")
destination = ctx.lookup("dynamicQueues/output.queue")

The rest is simply JMS boilerplate, which we can encapsulate into a Ruby class as seen in Example 4-2.

Example 4-2. Sending a JMS message from Ruby

include Java

import java.util.Hashtable
import javax.naming.InitialContext
import javax.naming.Context
import javax.jms.Session

class JmsSender

  def initialize(environment)
     @context =
     @connection_factory = @context.lookup("ConnectionFactory")

  def send_text_message(destination_name, message_text)
    destination = @context.lookup(destination_name)
    connection = @connection_factory.create_connection()
    session = connection.create_session(false, Session::AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE)
    producer = session.create_producer(destination)
    message = session.create_text_message
    message.text = message_text

       Context::PROVIDER_URL =>
       "tcp://localhost:61616" }
sender =

sender.send_text_message("dynamicQueues/output.queue", "hello to JMS from Ruby")

This message can then be seen in the ActiveMQ administrative web client, as in Figure 4-1.


As discussed in Creating a JNDI Context, to create a javax.naming.InitialContext object using org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory, the ActiveMQ JAR files must be on the classpath when the application starts—not added dynamically by JRuby.

JRuby message in the ActiveMQ web client

Figure 4-1. JRuby message in the ActiveMQ web client

The JMS API defines five different types of messages:


Defined by the javax.jms.StreamMessage interface, messages of this type contain one or more Java primitives or objects in sequential order.


Defined by the javax.jms.MapMessage interface, messages of this type contain one or more name-value pairs. The names are Java String objects and the values can be primitives or objects.


Defined by the javax.jms.TextMessage interface, messages of this type contain a single String object.


Defined by the javax.jms.ObjectMessage interface, these messages contain a Java object that implements the Serializable interface.


Defined by the javax.jms.BytesMessage interface, this message type is largely to support existing (i.e., non-JMS) messaging systems.

All of these message types can be used from JRuby, but special care must be taken when sending objects as JRuby objects are not correctly handled using Java serialization. This is true even if the message receiver is a JRuby application. For example, let’s add a send_object_message method to the class from Example 4-2:

def send_object_message(destination_name, message_object)
  destination = @context.lookup(destination_name)
  connection = @connection_factory.create_connection()
  session = connection.create_session(false, Session::AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE)
  producer = session.create_producer(destination)
  message = session.create_object_message message_object

If you were to call this message with a Ruby array:

arr = ["one", "two", "three"]
send_object_message("dynamicQueues/output.queue, arr)

An exception would be thrown when this message was received because the array is serialized as an org.jruby.RubyArray object. Instead, you should create a java.util.ArrayList object from this Ruby array:

arr = ["one", "two", "three"]

Receiving JMS Messages


Your application needs to receive messages from a JMS message broker.


The initial setup is similar to sending JMS messages: create a JNDI InitialContext object and look up the ConnectionFactory and destination from the JNDI context. Using the ConnectionFactory, create a Connection object and from the Connection, create a Session object. The Session object can be used to create a MessageConsumer for a destination. The MessageConsumer object has two methods for receiving messages, both named receive. If receive is called with no arguments, then the method blocks until a message is available. If receive is called with an argument (which must be numeric), the method blocks until a message is available or the specific number of milliseconds passes.

Example 4-3 contains some basic code for receiving a message. Once the message is received, it is inspected to see if it is a text message and, if so, the text is output.

Example 4-3. Receiving a JMS message

include Java

import java.util.Hashtable
import javax.naming.InitialContext
import javax.naming.Context
import javax.jms.Session

       Context::PROVIDER_URL =>
       "tcp://localhost:61616" }

context =
connection_factory = context.lookup("ConnectionFactory")

destination = context.lookup("dynamicQueues/output.queue")
connection = connection_factory.create_connection()
session = connection.create_session(false, Session::AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE)
consumer = session.create_consumer(destination)


message = consumer.receive
if (message.respond_to? 'text')
 p "message = #{message.text}"
 p "message isn't a text message"



Note that in Example 4-3, we start the connection before receiving a message. A running connection is required before receiving messages whereas it is not for sending messages.

Implementing an Enterprise JavaBean with JRuby


You want to encapsulate some Ruby code into an Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) in order to easily integrate it with other EJBs and servlets as well as take advantage of EJB container-provided services such as instance pooling, security, and transactions.


Create an interface and implementation class for your EJB. A simple EJB interface, annotated with @Local is in Example 4-4.

Example 4-4. EJB local interface

package org.jrubycookbook.j2ee.ejb;

import javax.ejb.Local;

public interface Reverser {
    public String reverse(String string);

In the implementation class, create an initialization method and use it to create an instance of the JRuby runtime. This could be done with any of the techniques discussed in Chapter 3. Annotate this initialization method with the @PostConstruct annotation. Then in each business method (i.e., those defined by the EJB interface), wrap the method arguments in Ruby objects, add them to the runtime, and finally execute the appropriate block of Ruby code. Example 4-5 includes a JRuby-based EJB class. In this example, the code is inline, but it could just as easily be in an external file.

Example 4-5. JRuby EJB

package org.jrubycookbook.j2ee.ejb;

import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;

import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyString;
import org.jruby.javasupport.JavaEmbedUtils;

public class ReverserBean implements Reverser {

    private Ruby ruby;

    public void init() {
        ruby = JavaEmbedUtils.initialize(Collections.EMPTY_LIST);

    public String reverse(String string) {
        ruby.getGlobalVariables().set("$message", ruby.newString(string));
        return ruby.evalScriptlet("$message.reverse").asJavaString();


This EJB can then be accessed by servlets and other EJBs in the same container. Example 4-6 includes a servlet that uses this EJB.

Example 4-6. Servlet accessing the JRuby EJB

package org.jrubycookbook.j2ee.servlet;


import javax.ejb.EJB;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.jrubycookbook.j2ee.ejb.Reverser;

public class ReverseServlet extends HttpServlet {

    private Reverser reverser;

    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
            throws ServletException, IOException {
        String result = reverser.reverse(req.getParameter("word"));


A remote interface could also be defined and annotated with @Remote, which would make this EJB accessible remotely using Remote Method Invocation (RMI).


As you can see, the class in Example 4-5 is just a bridge between the EJB container and the JRuby runtime. In large part, this is necessary because JRuby does not yet support Java annotations. If annotation support is added to JRuby in the future, it may be possible to eliminate the class (and perhaps the interface as well). It seems also likely that Java EE container vendors will add direct support for JRuby-based EJBs if there is demand for it.

The class in Example 4-5 is a stateless session bean (SLSB), but this same technique would hold true for stateful session beans (SFSBs) and message-driven beans (MDBs). You can also easily expose this EJB through a web service interface by adding some additional annotations, seen in Example 4-7.

Example 4-7. JRuby EJB with web service annotations

package org.jrubycookbook.j2ee.ejb;

import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebService;

// Other imports from Recipe 4-5

@WebService(targetNamespace = "")
public class ReverserBean implements Reverser {

    private Ruby ruby;

// init() method from Example 4-5

    public String reverse(String string) {
        RubyString message = ruby.newString(string);
        ruby.getGlobalVariables().set("$message", message);
        return ruby.evalScriptlet("$message.reverse").asJavaString();


Figure 4-2 shows this web service being tested through the web service testing interface included with the Sun Java System Application Server.

Testing the JRuby EJB web service

Figure 4-2. Testing the JRuby EJB web service

Defining Spring Beans in JRuby


You use the Spring Framework as a Dependency Injection (DI) container and wish to define some of your beans with JRuby.


Create a Java interface that defines the methods you will be implementing in your Ruby class. Use jruby element within the lang namespace in the Spring XML configuration to define a bean using both the interface and the location of the Ruby script. JRuby beans can also be configured using the lang:property element. A simple JRuby bean definition can be seen in Example 4-8.

Example 4-8. Simple Spring JRuby bean definition

1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <beans xmlns=""
3     xmlns:xsi=""
4     xmlns:lang=""
5     xsi:schemaLocation="
10    <lang:jruby id="rubyListener"
11        script-interfaces="org.jrubycookbook.ch04.Listener"
12        script-source="classpath:org/jrubycookbook/ch04/ruby_listener.rb">
13        <lang:property name="prefix" value="(from Ruby) " />
14    </lang:jruby>
16 </beans>

In this example, lines 2 through 8 are the boilerplate Spring configuration needed to set up both the default and lang namespaces. Lines 10 through 14 contain the actual bean definition including the setting of a property named prefix. The interface is defined in Example 4-9 and the Ruby implementation is in Example 4-10.

Example 4-9. Simple interface for Spring bean

package org.jrubycookbook.ch04;

public interface Listener {
    public void receiveMessage(String message);

Example 4-10. Ruby script referenced from Spring configuration

class RubyListener
    # setter for prefix property
    def setPrefix(p)
        @prefix = p

    # implementation of Listener interface
    def receiveMessage(s)
        puts "#{@prefix}Got Message: #{s}"

Note that for Spring to set the prefix property, a setPrefix() method must be defined. If we were writing traditional Ruby code, this method would likely be called prefix= and you would have generated the method with attr_accessor or attr_writer. But because Spring is based on the JavaBean standard, it expects a method named setPrefix().

To use JRuby with Spring, your classpath must include the following JAR files, all of which are included in the Spring distribution:[11]

  • spring.jar

  • asm-2.2.3.jar

  • backport-util-concurrent.jar

  • cglib-nodep-2.1_3.jar

  • commons-logging.jar

  • jruby.jar


At the time of writing, Spring’s support for JRuby was not compatible with the 1.1; only JRuby 1.0 is supported.


Spring’s dynamic language support, which currently also includes support for Groovy and BeanShell in addition to JRuby, works by creating a dynamic proxy object that implements the interfaces listed in the script-interfaces attribute. This proxy receives the actual method calls and delegates to the object created by the script file referenced in the script-source attribute. The syntax of the script-source attribute is the standard Spring syntax for accessing resources. In Example 4-8, we are referencing a Ruby source file in the classpath, but this could just have easily used a filesystem resource, a URL resource, or, if appropriate, a servlet context resource.

Spring beans written in a dynamic language require some features from the ApplicationContext interface, so a plain BeanFactory implementation such as that used in Example 4-11 won’t work.

Example 4-11. Using JRuby within a BeanFactory won’t work

package org.jrubycookbook.ch04;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanFactory;

public class ListenerBootstrap {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ClassPathResource config =
            new ClassPathResource("org/jrubycookbook/ch04/listener_beans.xml");
        XmlBeanFactory ctx = new XmlBeanFactory(config);

        Listener listener = (Listener) ctx.getBean("rubyListener");

Instead, we have to use an ApplicationContext implementation, such as the ClassPathXmlApplicationContext class used in Example 4-12.

Example 4-12. Using JRuby within an ApplicationContext

package org.jrubycookbook.ch04;


public class ListenerBootstrap {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String config = "org/jrubycookbook/ch04/listener_beans.xml";
        ClassPathXmlApplicationContext ctx =
            new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(config);

        Listener listener = (Listener) ctx.getBean("rubyListener");

Looking back at Example 4-10, you can see that this script both defines a Ruby class named RubyListener and returns a new instance of that class. This wasn’t actually necessary in this case; Spring would be capable of recognizing that the script had created a class and would generate a new instance of that class if one had not been provided. However, it is good practice to include this command because Spring may not always create a new instance of the correct class. The best example of this is when the reference Ruby file contains multiple class definitions, as in Example 4-13.

Example 4-13. Ruby script that will confuse Spring

class RubyListener
    def setPrefix(p)
        @prefix = p

    # implementation of Listener interface
    def receiveMessage(s)
        puts "#{@prefix}Got Message: #{s}"

class OtherRubyListener < RubyListener
    # implementation of Listener interface
    def receiveMessage(s)
        puts "#{@prefix}Got A Message: #{s}"

As a result, it’s simpler to always use the new command on the last line of your Ruby script to ensure that Spring has access to the correct object.

See Also

Creating Refreshable JRuby Spring Beans


Your Spring container includes beans that you want to reload when their underlying definitions change.


Add a refresh-check-delay attribute to the lang:jruby element in your Spring XML configuration file. The use of this attribute tells Spring to watch the resource referenced in the script-source attribute. The value indicates how many milliseconds will pass between scans of the resource for changes.

Alternatively, you can apply a default value for the refresh-check-delay attribute by using the defaults element in the lang namespace. For example, to apply a one second delay to all dynamic-language beans in the ApplicationContext, include this element in your XML configuration file:

<lang:defaults refresh-check-delay="1000"/>


One simple way to demonstrate this refreshable bean functionality is to use Spring’s support for Java Timer objects. The Spring configuration XML in Example 4-14 includes the same rubyListener bean defined in Example 4-10 and adds an implementation of java.util.TimerTask to output the current time. It also includes the Spring plumbing necessary to invoke this task every five seconds.

Example 4-14. Refreshable JRuby Spring bean called by a TimerTask

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

    <lang:defaults refresh-check-delay="1000" />

    <lang:jruby id="rubyListener"
        script-interfaces="org.jrubycookbook.ch04.Listener "
        <lang:property name="prefix" value="(from Timer) " />

    <bean id="sendDateTask" class="org.jrubycookbook.ch04.SendDateTask">
        <property name="listener" ref="rubyListener"/>

    <bean id="scheduledTask"
        <property name="period" value="5000" />
        <property name="timerTask" ref="sendDateTask" />

    <bean id="timerFactory"
        <property name="scheduledTimerTasks">
                <ref bean="scheduledTask" />

The SendDateTask class, seen in Example 4-15, simply formats the current date and passes it to the injected implementation of the Listener interface.

Example 4-15. The SendDateTask class

package org.jrubycookbook.ch04;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.TimerTask;

public class SendDateTask extends TimerTask {

    private Listener listener;

    public void setListener(Listener listener) {
        this.listener = listener;

    public void run() {
        listener.receiveMessage(String.format("%tT", new Date()));

With these classes in place, we can start up the ApplicationContext with the code in Example 4-16. Once it is running, changes to the ruby_listener.rb file can be seen with each execution of SendDateTask.

Example 4-16. Starting an ApplicationContext with Timer support

package org.jrubycookbook.ch04;


public class TimedBootstrap {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String config = "org/jrubycookbook/ch04/timer_beans.xml";
        ClassPathXmlApplicationContext ctx =
            new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(config);

For example, we could change the RubyListener class to reverse the messages:

class RubyListener
    def setPrefix(p)
        @prefix = p

    # implementation of Listener interface
    def receiveMessage(s)
        puts "#{@prefix}Got Message: #{s}".reverse

Making this change while the ApplicationContext is running can produce output like this:

(from Timer) Got Message: 21:21:48
(from Timer) Got Message: 21:21:53
85:12:12 :egasseM toG )remiT morf(

Defining JRuby Spring Beans Inline


You’re using Spring and want to define beans in JRuby directly inside your Spring XML configuration file instead of in an external file.


Instead of providing a resource location with a script-source attribute, you can include JRuby script inside an inline-script element in the lang namespace as seen in Example 4-17.

Example 4-17. JRuby script inside an inline-script element

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

    <lang:jruby id="rubyListener"
class RubyListener
    def setPrefix(p)
        @prefix = p

    # implementation of Listener interface
    def receiveMessage(s)
        puts "#{@prefix}Got Message: #{s}"
        <lang:property name="prefix" value="(from Ruby) " />


Applying Spring-Aware Interfaces to JRuby Objects


Your Spring ApplicationContext contains JRuby-based beans that need to implement one of the Aware interfaces, such as org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware.


Include implementations of the methods defined in the interface in your JRuby class and add the appropriate interface name to the script-interfaces attribute.


The Spring Framework includes a number of interfaces that can be used to make a bean aware of its surroundings. Generally, these interfaces define a single method that is called by the container during initialization. Here is a sampling of these interfaces:


The ApplicationContext instance that contains this bean is passed to the setApplicationContext() method.


The BeanFactory instance that contains this bean is passed to the setBeanFactory() method.


The name of this bean in the containing BeanFactory is passed to the setBeanName() method.


A ResourceLoader, which can resolve a String identifier to a Resource object, is passed to the setResourceLoader() method.


A MessageSource, which can resolve a message code and parameters to an appropriately internationalized message, is passed to the setMessageSource() method.


A javax.servlet.ServletContext object is passed to the setServletContext() method.

Example 4-18 shows an inline implementation of the BeanNameAware interface.

Example 4-18. Inline JRuby Spring bean that implements the BeanNameAware interface

<lang:jruby id="rubyListener"
class RubyListener
    # implementation of BeanNameAware interface
    def setBeanName(beanName)
        @beanName = beanName

    # implementation of Listener interface
    def receiveMessage(s)
        puts "Hello, I'm named #{@beanName}"
        puts "#{@prefix}Got Message: #{s}"

As implementations of these interfaces are generally the same—just save the injected object into an instance variable—they are a good case for using Ruby modules. Example 4-19 contains a Ruby module named Spring that includes boilerplate implementations of the interfaces listed earlier in this recipe.

Example 4-19. Ruby module implementing Spring aware interfaces

module Spring
    # implementation of ApplicationContextAware interface
    module ApplicationContextAware
        def setApplicationContext(ctx)
            @applicationContext = ctx

    # implementation of BeanFactoryAware interface
    module BeanFactoryAware
        def setBeanFactory(bf)
            @beanFactory = bf

    # implementation of BeanNameAware interface
    module BeanNameAware
        def setBeanName(beanName)
            @beanName = beanName

    # implementation of ResourceLoaderAware interface
    module ResourceLoaderAware
        def setResourceLoader(loader)
            @resourceLoader = loader

    # implementation of MessageSourceAware interface
    module MessageSourceAware
        def setMessageSource(source)
            @messageSource = source

    # implementation of ServletContextAware interface
    module ServletContextAware
        def setServletContext(ctx)
            @servletContext = ctx

Using this module in a Ruby class is simply a matter of including the appropriate module, as in Example 4-20.

Example 4-20. Using a Spring module

require "spring.rb"

class RubyListener
    include Spring::BeanNameAware

    # implementation of Listener interface
    def receiveMessage(s)
        puts "Hello, I'm named #{@beanName}"
        puts "#{@prefix}Got Message: #{s}"

Creating Spring MVC Controllers with JRuby


Redeploying a Java controller in Spring MVC can be time-consuming and disruptive to development. This is especially the case for web applications with many modules and/or large amounts of data loaded on startup. You would like to modify your controller code without reloading the running web application.


Spring’s dynamic language support can speed up the development of Spring MVC applications by allowing you to define the controllers as JRuby objects. Not only can you eliminate the compilation step needed for Java development, but with Spring’s refreshable bean feature (see Defining Spring Beans in JRuby), controller classes can be updated and redefined at runtime without a redeployment of the full web application. Open the Spring configuration file and create a JRuby controller by defining a Spring bean using the dynamic language elements as described in Implementing an Enterprise JavaBean with JRuby and Defining Spring Beans in JRuby. Set the value of script-interfaces to org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.Controller and script-source to the location of a Ruby file that will define and instantiate the controller class. Note that the scripts-source value is relative to the web application folder. Example 4-21 shows a Spring configuration file with a JRuby controller named hellocontroller that renders a JSP page.

Example 4-21. Spring configuration file with simple JRuby controller

<beans xmlns=""

  <lang:jruby id="hellocontroller" refresh-check-delay="3000"

  <bean id="viewResolver"
    <property name="viewClass"
    <property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/jsp/"/>
    <property name="suffix" value=".jsp"/>

  <bean id="urlMapping"
    <property name="mappings">
        <prop key="/hello.htm">hellocontroller</prop>

Open the Ruby file specified by the script-source value and create a JRuby class with a handleRequest method that takes two arguments, the HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse objects. The handleRequest method is called on each web request and returns a Java ModelAndView object that contains the view name and model map. The last statement in your Ruby file must instantiate the new controller class. Example 4-22 shows a JRuby controller that adds a few values to the model and renders the hello.jsp template.

Example 4-22. JRuby class as a Spring MVC controller

include Java

import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView

class HelloController
   def handleRequest(request, response)
      mav = "hello"
      return mav

The JSP page in Example 4-23 uses the standard syntax to access the model data and works independently from the controller’s choice of implementation language. The Ruby hash that was added to the model, example_hash, is conveniently converted into a Java map and accessed using the JSP shorthand for outputting maps.

Example 4-23. Simple JSP template

<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
    <title>My Sample JSP</title>
    String val: ${example}<br/>
    Hash val foo: ${}<br/>
    Hash val moo: ${example_hash.alpha}<br/>

Redeploy your controller by overwriting the existing Ruby file in your web application. Update the file in the web application folder if you are deploying an expanded WAR. Otherwise, locate the temporary folder where the container has exploded your WAR or EAR file and update the controller. Consult the documentation of your application server because this location differs for each server and platform; it is usually found in a temporary file area or in the same folder as the WAR. The location of the expanded WAR is often written to the console on startup and can be found in the application server’s logs.


JRuby controllers can also be defined in your Spring configuration file using the inline bean support (see Defining Spring Beans in JRuby). The inlinecontroller bean in Example 4-24 contains the same code that would normally be in the Ruby file specified by the script-source value. It’s not advised to build your entire web application using this technique for code management reasons and the loss of the redeployment feature, but this feature may be useful for the quick prototyping of controllers or adding some simple redirection logic, which is demonstrated in Example 4-24.

Example 4-24. Inline JRuby controller definition

<lang:jruby id="inlinecontroller"
include Java
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView
class MySecController
   def handleRequest(request, response) "redirect:/hello.htm"

Using Hibernate with JRuby


You would like to use Hibernate in your JRuby application.


Ideally, working with a Hibernate Data Access Object (DAO) should be no different from any other Java class. The main concern for JRuby developers is the use of Java Generics and JRuby’s inability to create classes or call methods with input arguments that use the Generics feature. Hibernate gives Java developers a lot of flexibility in the implementation of the DAO and many leverage Java Generics to reduce the size of classes and method counts. However, the typical pattern for creating DAOs in the most popular online tutorials do not expose the Generics as part of the DAOs’ public API, even though they are used internally. They are commonly created through a factory interface or by instantiating wrapper DAOs for classes. The JRuby program in Example 4-25 accesses the PersonDao through a factory while the EventDao is directly instantiated.

Example 4-25. Accessing Hibernate Data Access Objects

include Java

import example.dao.PersonDao
import example.dao.DaoFactory
import example.dao.EventDao
import example.model.Person
import example.model.Event
import util.HibernateUtil

event_dao =
event_dao.set_session HibernateUtil::get_session_factory.get_current_session
dao.create("JRuby Meeting",
dao.find_all.each do |e| puts "#{e.get_title } #{e.get_date}"; end

person_dao = DaoFactory.instantiate(PersonDao.class)
dao.find_all.each do |p| puts "#{p.get_firstname} #{p.get_lastname}"; end


The Hibernate session is obtained through a static method in the HibernateUtil class and manually injected into the EventDao class. It’s a common Hibernate design pattern to provide access to the Hibernate session factory through a static method in a global utility class. The HibernateUtil class becomes the common point of configuration and management and can hide many of the mapping details from your DAOs.

Database transactions can be nicely expressed using a Ruby function that yields to an inputted block. The block contains the database interaction code and is evaluated between the enclosing parent function’s call to initialize and end the transaction. Errors can be detected and handled in the transaction function and kept out of the business code. The result is clean API that eliminates the verbose and repetitive transaction calls and an enhanced clarity of the transactional code, which is now identified through a function metaphor rather than explicit API calls to begin and end the transaction. Example 4-26 defines a TransactionHelper module that contains functions to initiate a standard JDBC transaction and the more universal Java Transaction API (JTA) transaction. The example also includes a controller that demonstrates the use of the module and how to easily add either transaction mechanism to your database access code.

Example 4-26. Using blocks to define transactions

include Java

import util.HibernateUtil
import javax.naming.InitialContext

module TransactionHelper

  def with_transaction
      tx = HibernateUtil.session_factory.current_session.beginTransaction

  def with_jta_transaction
      ctx =
      utx = ctx.lookup("java:comp/UserTransaction");

class UserController
    extend TransactionHelper
  def create
    with_transaction do
       @id = User.create("Tom")

    with_jta_transaction do
      tom = User.find_by_id(@id)

Using the Java Persistence API with JRuby


You want to use the Java Persistence API (JPA) in your JRuby application.


Use the static JPA method Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory() to generate a factory for your persistence unit. A call to the factory’s createEntityManager() method generates a new EntityManager class, which is your primary tool for accessing the Persistence API. The EntityManager is analogous to Hibernate’s Session or Toplink’s ClientSession object and contains the methods to interact with the database and your model objects. The EntityManager object is not threadsafe and shouldn’t be used with multiple concurrent requests. It is designed to be used and discarded in a relatively short amount of time and not as a long-running software component. Example 4-27 shows a JRuby application that creates a few User objects and then queries the database to confirm that they were successfully added.

Example 4-27. Example JPA access from JRuby

include Java

import javax.persistence.Persistence
import cookbook.User

def with_trans(em)
 t = em.getTransaction();
   t.rollback if t.isActive

emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("hello-world")
em = emf.createEntityManager

with_trans(em) do
      u ="stephen","lee","slee","password","")
      u2 ="stephen","smith","ssmith","password","")
query = em.createQuery("select u from User u where u.firstname = :firstname").
query.set_parameter("firstname", "stephen").
hu = query.get_result_list

hu.each do |u|
  puts "found #{u.firstname} #{u.lastname}"



The example demonstrates the use of a block once again (see Creating Spring MVC Controllers with JRuby) to express a JPA transaction. This helper method also automatically rolls back the transaction if the commit should fail.

Making SOAP Calls

Credit: Steven Shingler


You need to invoke a remote method through a SOAP-based web service.


Use the Mule client module, available from, and a Ruby XML parsing library such as REXML or Hpricot. Example 4-28 uses Mule to make a request to one of the web services provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Example 4-28. Making a SOAP request with the Mule client module

include Java

require "rexml/document"
import org.mule.module.client.MuleClient

url = "axis:"
method = "method=LatLonListZipCode"
client =
message = client.send("#{url}?#{method}", "10036", nil)
doc = message.payload
puts doc.root.elements[1].text

To run this script, Mule and several dependencies need to be added to the classpath. Because of classloader requirements, these dependencies must be on the system classpath (e.g., through the use of the CLASSPATH environment variable); they cannot be added to the classpath by using JRuby’s extension of the require method as described in Adding JAR Files to the Classpath. For this particular script, the dependencies can be added to the classpath using these commands:

export MULE_LIB=/opt/mule/lib
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$MULE_LIB/opt/activation-1.1.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$MULE_LIB/opt/axis-1.4.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$MULE_LIB/opt/axis-jaxrpc-1.4.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$MULE_LIB/opt/backport-util-concurrent-3.1.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$MULE_LIB/opt/commons-beanutils-1.7.0.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$MULE_LIB/opt/commons-codec-1.3.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$MULE_LIB/opt/commons-collections-3.2.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$MULE_LIB/opt/commons-discovery-0.2.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$MULE_LIB/opt/commons-httpclient-3.1.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$MULE_LIB/opt/commons-io-1.3.1.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$MULE_LIB/opt/commons-lang-2.3.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$MULE_LIB/opt/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$MULE_LIB/opt/commons-pool-1.4.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$MULE_LIB/opt/dom4j-1.6.1.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$MULE_LIB/opt/geronimo-j2ee-connector_1.5_spec-1.1.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$MULE_LIB/opt/geronimo-servlet_2.5_spec-1.1.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$MULE_LIB/opt/jaxen-1.1.1.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$MULE_LIB/opt/jug-2.0.0-asl.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$MULE_LIB/mule/mule-core-2.0.2.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$MULE_LIB/mule/mule-module-client-2.0.2.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$MULE_LIB/mule/mule-transport-axis-2.0.2.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$MULE_LIB/opt/saaj-api-1.3.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$MULE_LIB/opt/stax-api-1.0.1.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$MULE_LIB/opt/wsdl4j-1.6.1.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$MULE_LIB/opt/wstx-asl-3.2.6.jar


The “Full Distribution” Mule download includes all third-party dependencies except for Jakarta Commons Logging, which can be downloaded from


The send method of the MuleClient class will accept any object as the message payload. However, care must be taken when passing objects other than Java primitives or their Ruby equivalents. For these other types, use the Axis WSDL2Java tool to generate Java classes from the web service’s descriptor:

$ java org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java\

In Example 4-28, the URL for the NOAA web service endpoint is prefixed with axis, indicating to the Mule engine that we wish to use the Axis library to invoke the web service. By including different and/or additional dependencies on the classpath, different libraries and different transport mechanisms can be used.

Simplifying LDAP Access


You are looking up entries and attributes in an LDAP directory through JNDI and are looking to simplify the API.


Use JRuby’s open class feature (described in Implementing a Java Interface in Ruby) to add helper methods to the com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx class.


Although powerful, the JNDI API can frequently feel unnecessarily verbose. For example, the Java code required to access a single attribute value is awkward:

// Lookup the entry
LdapContext entry = ctx.lookup("uid=mts,ou=People,dc=umich,dc=edu");
// First, get all of the Attributes associated with this entry.
Attributes attributes = entry.getAttributes("");
// Then get a single named Attribute.
Attribute attribute = attributes.get("mail");
// Then actually get the value.
String value = (String) attribute.get();

For an attribute with multiple values, it’s even worse:

// Lookup the entry
LdapContext entry = ctx.lookup("uid=mts,ou=People,dc=umich,dc=edu");
// First, get all of the Attributes associated with this entry.
Attributes attributes = entry.getAttributes("");
// Then get a single named Attribute.
Attribute attribute = attributes.get("mail");
// Then get a NamingEnumeration of the attribute values.
NamingEnumeration ne = attribute.getAll();
// Create a list, loop through the NamingEnumeration,
// and add each value to the list
List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>();
while (ne.hasMore()) {

Example 4-29 shows two methods being added to the LdapCtx class, which simplify this API significantly.

Example 4-29. Adding methods to the LdapCtx class

include Java

import com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx

class LdapCtx
    def get_attribute_value(key)
        get_attributes("", [key].to_java(:string)).get(key).get
    def get_attribute_values(key)
        values = []
        enum = get_attributes("", [key].to_java(:string)).get(key).get_all
        while enum.has_more
            values <<
        return values

Adding these methods makes the following code to access the LDAP attributes:

entry = ctx.lookup("uid=mts,ou=People,dc=umich,dc=edu")

p "Email = #{entry.get_attribute_value("mail")}"
entry.get_attribute_values("cn").each do |name|
    p "Name = #{name}"

For Example 4-29 to work, you must use Sun’s LDAP JNDI support from the package com.sun.ldap.jndi. Typically, this is done by creating a JNDI Context, as shown in Creating a JNDI Context. If you are using a different LDAP library, you can easily adapt the listing in Example 4-29 to the library. All you need to do is discover the name of the class that implements You can easily use jirb for this:

$ jirb
irb(main):001:0> include Java
irb(main):002:0> import java.util.Hashtable
irb(main):003:0> import javax.naming.InitialContext
irb(main):004:0> import javax.naming.Context
irb(main):005:0> env = {
irb(main):006:1*     Context::INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,
irb(main):007:1*     "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory",
irb(main):008:1* Context::PROVIDER_URL,
irb(main):009:1* "ldap://"
irb(main):010:1> }
irb(main):011:0> ctx =
irb(main):012:0> ctx.lookup("uid=mts,ou=People,dc=umich,dc=edu").java_class
=> com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx

[8] For some time, the combination of Spring and Hibernate was being referred to as J3EE, but this term seems to have disappeared in recent years.

[9] Strictly speaking, Dependency Injection is a particular application of the Inversion of Control pattern, but in practice the terms are frequently used interchangeably.

[10] Which is, in many ways, a standardized version of Hibernate.

[11] This is for Spring 2.5.1. Check the documentation for other versions.

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