Selection Methods

The methods described in this section alter the set of selected elements by filtering them, adding new elements, or by using the selected elements as starting points for new selections. In jQuery 1.4 and later, jQuery selections are always sorted in document order and do not contain duplicates. See Selection Methods.

add(sel, [context])add(elts)add(html)

The arguments to add() are passed to $(), and the resulting selection is merged with the current selection.


Adds the previously selected set of elements (from the stack) to the selection.


Selects children of the selected elements. With no argument, selects all children. With a selector, selects only matching children.

closest(sel, [context])

Selects the closest ancestor of each selected element that matches sel and is a descendant of context. If context is omitted, the context property of the jQuery object is used.


Selects all children of each selected element, including text nodes and comments.


Pops the internal stack, restoring the selection to the state it was in before the last selection-altering method.


Selects only the selected element with the specified index. In jQuery 1.4, negative indexes count from the end.


Filter the selection so it only includes elements that also match the selector sel, that are included in the array-like object elts, or for which the predicate f returns true when invoked as a method of the element.

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