Making an Element Slide Back to Disappear

$("span").mouseover(function(){   var i = $(this).index("span");   $("img").eq(i).animate({height:100}, 1000); }); $("span").mouseout(function(){   var i = $(this).index("span");   $("img").eq(i).animate({height:.1}, 1000); }); $("#container").mouseenter(function(e){     e.stopPropagation();     $("#images").stop(true).slideToggle(1000); }); $("#container").mouseleave(function(e){     e.stopPropagation();     $("#images").stop(true).slideToggle(1000); });

The .fadeTo( duration, opacity [, easing] [, callback]), .fadeTo( duration, opacity [, easing] [, callback]), and .fadeTo( duration, opacity [, easing] [, callback]) methods provide the duration, easing, and callback ...

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