Time for action – creating the frames and running the animation

Next, add the following code to the empty function at the end of the <body> in stickman.html:

var counter = 1,
  srcStr1 = "img/stickman/stick-kick",
  srcStr2 = ".jpg",
  frames = $("<div id=\"frames\"></div>"),
  removeFrame = function() {
    if (frames.children().length > 1) {
    } else {
  timer = setInterval(function() { removeFrame() }, 50);

  for(var x = 75; x--;) {
    $("<img />", {
      src:  srcStr1 + counter + srcStr2
    }).css("zIndex", x).appendTo(frames);


When we run the page, the animation should proceed as we expect, much like the type of sketch we perhaps may have idly created in a notepad in ...

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