
* (asterisk)

asterisk hack, 5253

wildcard character, 4243

: (colon), ending if statements, 67

, (comma), in CSS element selectors, 40

. (period), in CSS class selectors, 41

$(), dollar sign function, 7374

$ (dollar sign), PHP variable indicator, 66

$$(), double dollar function, 7374

< (left angle), less than operator, 67

<= (left angle, equal sign), less than or equal to operator, 67

<% ... %>, PHP section delimiters, 64

<? ... ?>, PHP section delimiters, 64

<?PHP ... ?>, PHP section delimiters, 64

“ (double quote), in PHP variables, 66

= (equal sign), assigning values to PHP variables, 66

== (equal signs), equal operator, 67

=== (equal signs), identical operator, 67

!= (exclamation, equal sign), not equal operator, 67

!== (exclamation, ...

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