Chapter 12, Attracting Search Engine Traffic: Tips and Techniques

Pop quiz – test your knowledge of Joomla search engine optimization

  1. What's the use of adding metadata descriptions to the articles of your website?
    1. Site visitors can quickly find out what your site is all about.
    2. Search engines can display the descriptions in their search output.
    3. They're not really useful, because search engines ignore descriptions.

    Answer: b

  2. To optimize search engine friendly URLs in Joomla:
    1. You have to rename Joomla files on the web server.
    2. Check the appropriate SEO Settings in the Global Configuration (and maybe rename a file on the web server).
    3. You have to install a special SEO extension.

    Answer: b

  3. What kind of links are important for SEO?
    1. Links from other sites to ...

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