Most of this book's lessons contain a Try It section that enables you to practice the concepts covered by that lesson. The Try It includes a high-level overview, requirements, and step-by-step instructions explaining how to build the example program.

This DVD contains video screencasts showing how to work through key pieces of the Try Its from each lesson. There is also sample material that accompanies the Try Its for Chapters 6, 9, 11, 22, 25, and 27. The audio explains what is happening step-by-step so you can see how the techniques described in the lesson translate into actions.

I recommend using the following steps when reading a lesson:

  1. Read the lesson's text.
  2. Read the Try It's overview, requirements, and hints.
  3. Watch the screencast to see how I demonstrate the key issues, which have also been described in the book.
  4. Try repeating the process for your own website.

Sometimes a screencast mentions useful techniques and shortcuts that didn't fit in the book, so you may want to watch the screencast even if you feel completely confident about your solution.

Finally, if you're stuck and don't know what to do next, you can visit the p2p forums (p2p.wrox.com), locate the forum for the book, and leave a post. You can also check for answers and hints at this book's website at www.wrox.com/go/joomla24hrtrainer and I'll try to point you in the right direction.

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