
3GL languages, 186, 190–91
4GL languages, 151, 152


Abbreviation encoding, 87–88
algorithm encoding vs., 88
defined, 87
examples, 87–88
See also Encoding schemes
Absolute scales, 74
Abstraction levels, 9–10
Accuracy, 72, 73
Actions, indenting, 45–46
Active verbs, 174
Affixes, 11
Algorithmic encoding, 88
Aliases. See Correlation names
ALTER statement, 83, 92
ANSI X3.5 Flowchart symbols, 179
Artificial keys, 51–52
Attributes, splitting, 62–66
Auto-numbers, 52–53, 58, 59
column names, 60
natural key and, 60
as primary key, 60
problems, 58–59
Auxiliary tables, 167


Β BETWEEN predicate, 114–15
“Big VIEW Myth,” 148–49
Bits, 42, 43
Block puzzle, 183, 184
Bouma, 26
Bytes, 42


C Calendar tables, 167
problems, 29
use avoidance,

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