Fitting Linear Models
&LogVariance 381
Actual by Conditional Predicted Plot 315
Actual by Predicted 440
Adaptive Elastic Net 269
Adaptive Lasso 269
Add 37
added variable plot 189
Adjusted Power 138
Adjusted Power and Confidence Interval 103, 196, 476
AIC 234
Alpha 102
alternative methods 471
analysis of covariance
equal slopes, example of specification 60
unequal slopes, example of specification 61
analysis of covariance example 207
Analysis of Means 121
analysis of means 121
analysis of variance
one-way, example of specification 54
two-way, example of specification 55
analysis of variance example 205
Analysis of Variance report 87
Analysis of Variance table 395
ANOM 121–122
ANOM Graph 122
Approx. F 369
Arrhenius transformation ...

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