Time for action – this city needs more glow

You already know a way to add glows: the GlowMap and GlowColor parameters in materials. A bloom filter results in the same halo-like glow, but it is applied scene-wide.

Let's apply a glow to our scene:

  1. Make a copy of Main.java and name the class BloomGlow.java. Remember to also refactor the first line of the main() method to BloomGlow app = new BloomGlow().
  2. Add three class fields: one for the scene, one for the FilterPostProcessor, and one for the bloom filter (from the com.jme3.post.filters package):
    private Spatial sceneGeo;
    private FilterPostProcessor fpp;
    private BloomFilter bloom;
  3. Initialize bloom and fpp in the simpleInitApp() method. Add the FilterPostProcessor to the viewPort, and add the BloomFilter ...

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