Time for action – welcome to Dark City

For larger scenes, you should try a DirectionalLightShadowFilter object from the com.jme3.shadow package.

You can use a copy of ShadowDirectional.java for the following exercise:

  1. Add a directional light source to the scene:
    public void simpleInitApp() {
      DirectionalLight sunLight = new DirectionalLight();
      sunLight.setDirection(new Vector3f(.3f, -0.5f, -0.5f));
  2. If you re-use code from the ShadowDirectional.java class, deactivate the previously created DirectionalLightShadowRenderer object, or at least comment out its addProcessor() line:
    // viewPort.addProcessor(dlsr); 
  3. Create a DirectionalLightShadowFilter object in the simpleInitApp() method. Use the setLight() method to specify your ...

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