Time for action – fit to burst?

If you have game scenes where bullets or other projectiles hit a target, you may have thought of emphasizing the impact with a short fiery burst.

  1. Make a copy of Main.java and name the class Particle5Burst.java. Remember to also refactor the first line of the main() method to Particle5Burst app = new Particle5Burst();.
  2. Copy the included file assets/Effects/flash.png into your project's assets/Effect directory. It includes a sprite animation of a fiery burst.
  3. Since a burst is short and compact, we create an emitter with only five particles in the simpleInitApp() method:
    public void simpleInitApp() { ParticleEmitter burstEmitter = new ParticleEmitter("Burst emitter", Type.Triangle, 5); rootNode.attachChild(burstEmitter); ...

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