Time for action – sculpting the mesh

Let's create a 3D model. This book cannot replace a complete Blender 2.63+ tutorial, so you will have to go through additional tutorials on blender.org. There are also great free video tutorials on cgcookie.com/blender/ and the iTunes University!

Start Blender. The 3D view pane contains a simple mesh, a cube. Let's work with the untitled cube for now. Remember to drag the middle mouse button to look at the mesh from different angles; use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out on the mesh.

  1. In your file explorer, create the BasicGame/assets/Textures/MyModel/and BasicGame/assets/Models/MyModel/ directories. Here you will store your assets.
  2. In Blender, choose File | Save As and save the untitled Blender file as mymodel.blend ...

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