JU.3. The Interface

The public methods provided by the JoinManager class are as follows:

 package net.jini.lookup; public class JoinManager { public JoinManager(Object obj, Entry[] attrSets, ServiceIDListener callback, DiscoveryManagement discoveryMgr, LeaseRenewalManager leaseMgr) throws IOException {...} public JoinManager(Object obj, Entry[] attrSets, ServiceID serviceID, DiscoveryManagement discoveryMgr, LeaseRenewalManager leaseMgr) throws IOException {...} public DiscoveryManagement getDiscoveryManager() {...} public LeaseRenewalManager getLeaseRenewalManager() {...} public ServiceRegistrar[] getJoinSet() {...} public Entry[] getAttributes(){...} public void addAttributes(Entry[] attrSets) {...} public void addAttributes(Entry[] attrSets, ...

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