

- unary negation operator, 14, 72, 210

- subtraction operator, 154

!= not equal to operator, 70

% remainder operator, 6, 150

%= compound assignment operator for remainder, 22, 68

%n printf end-of-line format, 37

& AND operator, 7, 91

&& conditional-AND operator, 91

&= compound assignment operator for AND, 22, 68

*= compound assignment operator for multiplication, 22, 68

+ addition operator, 26, 30, 66

precedence of, 31

+ string concatenation operator, 26, 28, 30, 66

++ increment operator, 56

+= compound assignment operator for addition, 22, 68

/ division operator, 6

/* */ comment delimiters, 42

// end of line comment, 36, 43

/= compound assignment operator for division, 22, 68

< less-than relational operator, 70, 74, 237

<< left ...

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