Appendix . Colophon

CAMERA-READY electronic copy for this book was prepared by the authors using FrameMaker (release 6.0) on Sun workstations.

The body type is Times, set 11 on 13. Chapter titles, section titles, quotations, and running heads are also in Times, in various sizes, weights, and styles. The index is set 9 on 10.

Some of the bullets used in bulleted lists are taken from Zapf Dingbats. Greek and mathematical symbols are taken from the Symbol typeface.

The monospace typeface used for program code in both displays and running text is Lucida Sans Typewriter; for code fragments in chapter titles, section titles, and first-level index entries, Lucida Sans Typewriter Bold is used. In every case it is set at 85% of the nominal size of the surrounding ...

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