29.4. Printing Integers

An integer is a whole number, such as 776, 0 or –52, that contains no decimal point. Integer values are displayed in one of several formats. Figure 29.1 describes the integral conversion characters.

Figure 29.1. Integer conversion characters.
Conversion characterDescription
dDisplay a decimal (base 10) integer.
oDisplay an octal (base 8) integer.
x or XDisplay a hexadecimal (base 16) integer. X causes the digits 0–9 and the letters A–F to be displayed and x causes the digits 0–9 and a–f to be displayed.

Figure 29.2 prints an integer using each of the integral conversions. In lines 9–10, note that the plus sign is not displayed by default, but the minus sign is. Later in this chapter (Fig. 29.14) we will see how to force plus ...

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