14.3.6 Concatenating Strings

String method concat (Fig. 14.7) concatenates two String objects (similar to using the + operator) and returns a new String object containing the characters from both original Strings. The expression s1.concat(s2) at line 13 forms a String by appending the characters in s2 to the those in s1. The original Strings to which s1 and s2 refer are not modified.

 1   // Fig. 14.7: StringConcatenation.java 2   // String method concat. 3  4   public class StringConcatenation 5   { 6      public static void main(String[] args) 7      { 8         String s1 = "Happy "9         String s2 = "Birthday";10 11         System.out.printf("s1 = %s%ns2 = %s%n%n",s1, s2);12         System.out.printf(

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