Section 12.12 JList

• A JList displays a series of items from which the user may select one or more items. Class JList supports single-selection lists (p. 508) and multiple-selection lists.

• When the user clicks an item in a JList, a ListSelectionEvent (p. 508) occurs. JList method addListSelectionListener (p. 510) registers a ListSelectionListener (p. 510) for a JList’s selection events. A ListSelectionListener of package javax.swing.event(p. 492) must implement method valueChanged.

JList method setVisibleRowCount (p. 510) specifies the number of visible items in the list.

JList method setSelectionMode (p. 510) specifies a list’s selection mode.

• A JList can be attached to a JScrollPane (p. 510) to provide a scrollbar for the JList

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