


The TryCatchFinally interface provides methods for handling exceptions thrown while evaluating the body of an action element and can be implemented by a tag handler in addition to one of the main tag handler interfaces: Tag, IterationTag, and BodyTag.


Interface name:




Implemented by:

Custom action tag handler classes


public void doCatch(Throwable exception) throws Throwable

Handles the specified exception and may optionally rethrow the same exception or a new exception. This method is invoked by the container if an exception is thrown when evaluating the body or by calling doStartTag( ), doEndTag( ), doInitBody( ), or doAfterBody( ).

public void doFinally( )

Typically clears per-invocation state, such as closing expensive resources used only for one invocation. This method is invoked after doEndTag( ) or after doCatch( ) if an exception is thrown when evaluating the body or by calling doStartTag( ), doEndTag( ), doInitBody( ), or doAfterBody( ).

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