


This renderer represents a select-many component as a group of checkboxes.

Component family:


Renderer type:


Renders children:


Encode behavior

Renders the component as an HTML <table> element with an <input> element for each choice represented by its children (one or more UISelectItem and UISelectItems components) as the table cells. If the layout attribute is set to pageDirection, each cell is rendered in a separate table row; otherwise all cells are rendered in one row. A UISelectItemGroup child component is rendered as a nested table within the corresponding outer table cell. If the component ID is set, a <span> element with an id attribute containing the component’s client ID is rendered around the outer table.

The <input> elements are rendered with a type attribute set to checkbox and a name attribute set to the component’s client ID. Each <input> element is also nested within a <label> elements with a for attribute set to the component’s client ID. For all choices that match one of the component’s values, the checked attribute is set for the corresponding <input> element.

Decode behavior

Looks for request parameters with the component’s client ID as the name. If it finds parameters, the renderer the calls component’s setSubmittedValue() method with a String[] holding all parameter values as the value; otherwise it calls the same method with an empty String[] as the value.


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