


This class represents a form component. A form component acts as a container for other components, typically input components, and ensures that input component children process input only when the form they belong to is the submitted form. The default rendererType is javax.faces.Form.

Class name:





javax.faces.component.NamingContainer, javax.faces.component.StateHolder


public static String COMPONENT_FAMILY

The component family: javax.faces.Form.

public static String COMPONENT_TYPE

The component family: javax.faces.Form.


public UIForm()

Creates a new instance.


public String getFamily()

Returns the component family ID.

public boolean isSubmitted()

Returns true if submitting this form triggered the current request.

public void processDecodes(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)

Call to the decode() method for this component to ensure that the submitted property is set before decoding the children. If the submitted property is set to true, calls getFacetsAndChildren() and then calls the processDecodes() method on each returned facet and component.

public void processUpdates(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)

If the submitted property is set to true, calls getFacetsAndChildren( ) and then calls the processUpdates() method on each returned facet and component.

public void processValidators(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)

If the ...

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