
Image — an <img> in an HTML document

Inherits from

Node, Element


An Image object represents an image embedded in an HTML document with an <img> tag. The images that appear in a document are collected in the document.images[] array.

The src property of the Image object is the most interesting one. When you set this property, the browser loads and displays the image specified by the new value. This allows visual effects such as image rollovers and animations. See Scripting Images for examples.

You can create offscreen Image objects by simply creating new <img> elements with document .createElement() or with the Image() constructor. Note that this constructor does not have an argument to specify the image to be loaded: to load an image, simply set the src property of your Image object. To actually display the image, insert the Image object into the document.


new Image([unsigned long width, unsigned long height])

You can create a new Image as you would create any HTML element with document. create Element(). For historical reasons, however, client-side JavaScript also defines the Image() constructor to do the same thing. If the width or height arguments are specified, they set the width and height attributes of the <img> tag.


In addition to the properties listed here, Image elements also expose the following HTML attributes as JavaScript properties: alt, usemap, ismap.

readonly boolean complete

true if no image src was specified or if the image has been completely ...

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