
CanvasGradient.addColorStop( ): add a change of color at some point in the gradient


void addColorStop(floatoffset, String color)



A floating-point value in the range 0.0 to 1.0 that represents a fraction between the start and end points of the gradient. An offset of 0 corresponds to the start point, and an offset of 1 corresponds to the end point.


Specifies the color to be displayed at the specified offset, as a CSS color string. Colors at other points along the gradient are interpolated based on this and any other color stops.


addColorStop( ) provides the mechanism for describing color changes in a gradient. This method may be called one or more times to change the color at particular percentages between the gradient’s start and end points.

If this method is never called on a gradient, the gradient is transparent. At least one color stop must be specified to produce a visible color gradient.

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