
StyleSheet — a style sheet of any type


DOM Level 2 StyleSheets




boolean disabled

If true, the style sheet is disabled and is not applied to the document. If false, the style sheet is enabled and is applied to the document (unless the media property specifies that the style sheet should not be applied to documents of this type).

readonly String href

The URL of a style sheet that is linked into the document, or null for inline style sheets.

readonly MediaList media

A list of media types for which this style sheet should be applied. If no media information is supplied for the style sheet, this property is a valid MediaList object that has a length of 0.

readonly Node ownerNode

The Document node that links the style sheet into the document, or the node that contains an inline style sheet. In HTML documents, this property refers to a <link> or <style> element. For style sheets that are included within other style sheets rather than directly in the document, this property is null.

readonly StyleSheet parentStyleSheet

The style sheet that included this one, or null if this style sheet was included directly in the document. See also “CSSStyleSheet.ownerRule.”

readonly String title

The title of the style sheet, if one is specified. A title may be specified by the title attribute of a <style> or <link> tag that is the ownerNode of this style sheet.

readonly String type

The type of this style sheet, as a MIME type. CSS style ...

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