
NodeIterator.nextNode( ) — iterate to the next node


DOM Level 2 Traversal


Node nextNode(  )    
    throws DOMException;


The next node in the sequence of nodes represented by this NodeIterator, or null if the last node has already been returned.


If this method is called after a call to detach( ), it throws a DOMException with a code of INVALID_STATE_ERR.


This method iterates forward through the sequence of nodes represented by this NodeIterator. If this is the first time it is called for a NodeIterator, it returns the first node in the sequence. Otherwise, it returns the node that follows the one that was previously returned.


// Create a NodeIterator to represent all elements in the document body
var ni = document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT,
                                     null, false);
// Loop forward through all nodes in the iterator
for(var e = ni.nextNode(  ); e != null; e = ni.nextNode(  )) {
    // Do something with element e

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