
EventTarget.dispatchEvent( ) — dispatch a synthetic event to this node


DOM Level 2 Events


boolean dispatchEvent(Event evt) 
    throws EventException;



The Event object to be dispatched.


false if the preventDefault( ) method of evt was called at any time during the propagation of the event, or true otherwise.


This method throws an EventException with its code property set to EventException.UNSPECIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_ERR if the Event object evt was not initialized or if its type property was null or the empty string.


This method dispatches a synthetic event created with Document.createEvent( ) and initialized with the initialization method defined by the Event interface or one of its subinterfaces. The node on which this method is called becomes the target of the event, but the event first propagates down the document tree during the capturing phase, and then, if the bubbles property of the event is true, it bubbles up the document tree after being handled at the event target itself.

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