
CSSStyleDeclaration — a set of CSS style attributes and their values


DOM Level 2 CSS

Also Implements

If the implementation supports the “CSS2” feature in addition to the “CSS” feature (as most web browsers do), all objects that implement this interface also implement the CSS2Properties interface. CSS2Properties provides commonly used shortcut properties for setting and querying the values of CSS attributes. See CSS2Properties for details.


String cssText

The textual representation of the style attributes and their values. This property consists of the complete text of the style rule, minus the element selector and the curly braces that surround the attributes and values. Setting this property to an illegal value throws a DOMException with a code of SYNTAX_ERR. Setting it for a read-only style sheet or rule throws a DOMException with a code of NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR.

readonly unsigned long length

The number of style attributes in this style declaration.

readonly CSSRule parentRule

The CSSRule object that contains this CSSStyleDeclaration, or null if this style declaration is not part of a CSS rule (such as for CSSStyleDeclaration objects that represent inline HTML style attributes).


getPropertyCSSValue( )

Returns a CSSValue object that represents the value of the named CSS attribute, or null if that attribute is not explicitly set in this style declaration block or if the named style is a “shortcut” attribute.

getPropertyPriority( )

Returns ...

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