Images for Rat-man!

To build the game, we will need a few images. We will keep all our images in the img folder. In the img folder, we will create four folders, as shown in the following:

  • monsters
  • player
  • portal
  • walls

We will keep two images, named dot.png and blank.png, in the img folder.

The monsters folder

In the monsters folder, create four folders with our cats' names.

Say that our cats' names are as follows (you can name them whatever you want):

  • blinky
  • inky
  • pinky
  • clyde

Each cat folder will have four folders for the directed images of the cats. The folder names are as follows:

  • up
  • down
  • left
  • right

Each direction folder should contain an image of our cat. The image name should be 0.png.

You need to keep your image 50 x 50 px.

The player folder

The player folder ...

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