


new String(s)

Without the new operator, the String( ) function converts its argument to a string. With the new operator, it is a constructor that wraps the converted value in a String object.



The number of characters in the string. Read-only.



Returns the character at position n in the string.


Returns the Unicode encoding of the character at position n in the string. JS 1.2; JScript 5.5; ECMA v1.

concat(value, ...)

Returns a new string that results from converting each of the arguments to a string and concatenating the resulting strings. JS 1.2; JScript 3.0; ECMA v3.

indexOf(substring, start)

Returns the position of the first occurrence of substring within this string that appears at or after the start position or -1 if no such occurrence is found. If start is omitted, 0 is used.

lastIndexOf(substring, start)

Returns the position of the last occurrence of substring within string that appears before the start position, or -1 if no such occurrence is found. If start is omitted, the string length is used.


Matches this string against the specified regular expression and returns an array containing the match results or null if no match is found. If regexp is not a global regular expression, the returned array is the same as for the RegExp.exec( ) method. If regexp is global (has the “g” attribute), the elements of the returned array contain the text of each match found. JS 1.2; JScript 3.0; ECMA v3.

replace( ...

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