Creating a document in CouchDB using Node.js and Cradle

The Cradle module provides the save method to save a new document to the database. You pass the document to save and a callback to invoke when the operation completes or fails.

How to do it...

Here's how to save a simple record using save:

var item =  {
  call: 'kf6gpe-7',
  lat: 37,
  lng: -122
};, function (error, result) {
  if (error) {
    // Handle error
  } else {
    var id =;
    var rev = result.rev;

How it works…

The save method returns a JavaScript object to your callback with fields for the newly created document IDs and an internal revision number, along with a field titled ok, which should be true. As you'll see in the recipe titled Updating a Record in ...

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