Reading and writing JSON in Perl

Perl predates JSON, although there's a good implementation of JSON conversion available from CPAN, the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network.

How to do it...

To begin with, download the JSON module from CPAN and install it. Typically, you'll download the file, unpack it, and then run the following code on a system that already has Perl and make configured:

perl Makefile.PL 
make install

Here's a simple example:

use JSON;
use Data::Dumper;
my $json = '{ "call":"KF6GPE","type":"l","time":"1399371514",
"lasttime":"1418597513","lat": 37.17667,"lng": -122.14650,
"result" : "ok" }';
my %result = decode_json($json);
print Dumper(result);
print encode_json(%result);

Let's look at the interface the JSON module provides.

How it ...

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