Variables in VBScript

While declaring a variable in JavaScript is optional, it is not in VBScript. You must use a Dim (for dimension) statement to first declare the variable.

Dim animal 
animal = "Zebra" 

To declare multiple variables, you can use a single Dim statement:

						Dim customers, products, prices 

So, remember that while declaring a variable is optional in JavaScript, it is not in VBScript.

VBScript Data Types

As in JavaScript, data are not typed. That is, the variables are “smart” and will change type with the context of their use. Also as in JavaScript, you can use HTML tags as values in VBScript.

Dim newpar, one, two, three newpar = "<p>" one = "The loneliest number." two=222.222 three= 3 Response.write one Response.write ...

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