
The animal on the cover of JavaScript Cookbook, Second Edition is a little egret (Egretta garzetta). A small white heron, it is the old world counterpart to the very similar new world snowy egret. It is the smallest and most common egret in Singapore, and its original breeding distribution included the large inland and coastal wetlands in warm temperate parts of Europe, Asia, Africa, Taiwan, and Australia. In warmer locations, most birds are permanent residents; northern populations, including many European birds, migrate to Africa and southern Asia. They may also wander north after the breeding season, which presumably has led to this egret’s range expansion.

The adult little egret is 55–65 cm long with an 88–106 cm wingspan. It weighs 350–550 grams. Its plumage is all white. It has long black legs with yellow feet and a slim black bill. In the breeding season, the adult has two long nape plumes and gauzy plumes on the back and breast, and the bare skin between its bill and eyes becomes red or blue. Juvenile egrets are similar to nonbreeding adults but have duller legs and feet. Little egrets are the liveliest hunters among herons and egrets, with a wide variety of techniques: they may patiently stalk prey in shallow waters; stand on one leg and stir the mud with the other to scare up prey; or, better yet, stand on one leg and wave the other bright yellow foot over the water’s surface to lure aquatic prey into range. The birds are mostly silent, but make various croaking ...

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