Chapter 12. Modularizing and Managing JavaScript

One of the great aspects of writing Node.js applications is the built-in modularity the environment provides. As demonstrated in Chapter 11, it’s simple to download and install any number of Node modules, and using them is equally simple: just include a single require() statement naming the module, and you’re off and running.

The ease with which the modules can be incorporated is one of the benefits of JavaScript modularization. Modularizing ensures that external functionality is created in such a way that it isn’t dependent on other external functionality, a concept known as loose coupling. This means I can use a Foo module, without having to include a Bar module, because Foo is tightly dependent on having Bar included.

JavaScript modularization is both a discipline and a contract. The discipline comes in by having to follow certain mandated criteria in order for external code to participate in the module system. The contract is between you, me, and other JavaScript developers: we’re following an agreed on path when we produce (or consume) external functionality in a module system, and we all have expectations based on the module system.


ECMAScript 6 provides native support for modules, but the specification is still undergoing change and there is no implementation support yet. There is some support for it in Traceur, as well as a polyfill, which can at least provide an idea of how they’ll be implemented in the future.

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